Blog- Pag. 5

High or Low-Level Programming Language?

October 29, 2014

First of all, what’s the difference between these two? That’s about the legibility of the programming language, high-level is easier to us, humans, understand. In other hand, low-level is better to machines “understand”.

Game engines and Programming Languages

October 23, 2014

Usually, and most often between indie developers, to develop a game some game engine is used. It make the development time shorter, and also help advancing tech because a lot of people are using the same platform and need to make it better.

UDK AI Programming

October 23, 2014

UDK AI programming

Some of most important functions and events of UnrealScript to program Artificial Intelligence. This is another post that I’m translating of my Portuguese site(Portuguese postage).

Programming languages popularity

October 22, 2014

This is a chart that I create with infogram, comparing the popularity of programming languages:

Flash Quick Tip - Looping frame-to-frame

October 08, 2014

This a quick tip to use in ActionScript. To create a frame-by-frame loop to Movie Clip, use these functions:

Post image

Walking in Many directions

September 27, 2014

This is a problem that I had, and searching for solutions, I see that some people had the problem too, they made solutions, but that solutions don’t work very well for me.