UDK AI Programming

UDK AI programming

Some of most important functions and events of UnrealScript to program Artificial Intelligence. This is another post that I’m translating of my Portuguese site(Portuguese postage).

Functions -

  • FindRandomDest() – Return any of yours NavigationPoints.
  • PointReachable(vector) - Return a bool, if the path to the point is free [true].
  • ActorReachable(actor) - Same as above, but check a path to “actor”.
  • LineOfSightTo(actor) - Return a bool, if the actor is on eye range[true].
  • CanSee(pawn) - Same as above, but consider primary and peripheral field of vision.
  • MoveTo(vector, actor, bool) - Move to “vector”, looking at “actor”, if “bool” is true.
  • MoveToward(actor, actor, float, bool, bool) - Same as above, but move to an “actor”, for “float” time.


  • SeePlayer(pawn) - Called when a Pawn, with bIsPlayer=true, is on line of sight. Gives you the Pawn.
  • SeeMonster(pawn) - Same as above, but with bIsPlayer=false. Gives you the Pawn.
  • EnemyNotVisible - Called when an Enemy Pawn is no more visible.
  • HearNoise(float, actor) - Called when a sound play near. Gives you the “actor” that play the sound, and the “float” volume.
  • NotifyTakeHit(pawn, vector, int, class, vector) - Called when take hit. Gives you the Pawn that do the hit, the vector of hit, the int of damage, the class of damage, and the vector of impulse.
  • NotifyAddInventory(inventory) - Called when get a new item.
  • PrepareForMove(NavigationPoint, ReachSpecPath) - Called when this pawn can’t reach some point with the current configuration. Gives you the NavigationPoint that is not reachable, and the path of ReachSpecPath. -Usually, the A.I. duck (or jump) to try continue, but you can try a better solution.