Game engines and Programming Languages

Usually, and most often between indie developers, to develop a game some game engine is used. It make the development time shorter, and also help advancing tech because a lot of people are using the same platform and need to make it better. Here is some popular game engines and yours programming language.

Unreal Engine(UE) and Unreal Development Kit(UDK) uses a own language, that is the UnrealScript that is very similar to Java and C++(UE 4 abandoned the UnrealScript and now use the C++) . It also have and visual programming platform, the kismet (and Blueprint now in UE 4), and also support flash with ActionScript.

CryEngine accept scripts in C++ and Lua, and uses XML to AI configuration, accept ActionScript and uses WYSIWYP interface to visual programming.

Unity, uses the UnityScript(JavaScript), but also accept C# and Boo(that is very similar to Python).

Blender Engine accepts Python scripting.

I hope it helps you to choose a game engine to work or a programming language to learn.

Thanks for reading.
